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Study In Australia

Australia, one of the most fascinating and highly developed, is the sixth largest country in the world. Endowed with astounding beaches, plenty of wildlife, natural wonders and cosmopolitan conurbations, the country offers some unique experiences that are hard to find somewhere else.

With a population that originates from more than 200 countries, Australia is the most friendly and accommodating country in the world. The country's outdoor activities have always encouraged people to come together, be it gathering around a barbeque or at sporting events.

Australia is widely known for providing high quality healthcare. Both public and private hospitals are equipped with latest technologies and top-notch services. This has been reflected with a great overall health record of the Australian population, with life expectancy at birth set at over 81 years of age.

Australia has also been popular study destination for international students. It has eight of the top 100 universities in the world that offer more than 22000 courses across 1100 institutions. The country also boasts five of the 30 best student cities in the world, which includes Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide

Every year, the Australian Government invests around $200,000,000 in international scholarships. Additionally, it evaluates that all the universities in the country to make sure they are maintaining the high standards on an annual basis.

Apart from this, some of the major reasons that let international students choose Australia as their study destination are:

  • Advanced teaching styles.
  • Plethora of Specialist Institutions
  • Quality of Scientific Research
  • Global Acceptance of Australian Higher Education Standards
  • Multicultural Community
  • Unique Travel Choices
  • Flexibility to work up to 20 hours per week and 40 hours during semester breaks

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